Politeknika Txorierri held their Multiplier Event at Maristak Durango on February 27th. There were twenty-nine participants both from education and from the enterprise sector. We had twenty-three teachers from 18 different HVET centers in the Basque Country and six participants from 6 companies, companies as relevant as Iberdrola or NexMachina, specialized in the digital transformation of companies applying wireless technologies.
Anabel Menica presented the objectives, the partners, the expected impact of the project and the pilot products. She also showed the participants the project website where they can auto register in order to access the training course. There was a short break where participants had the opportunity to establish contacts and share their impressions about the event.
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After the break, Jokin Goioaga presented the Training Course, its structure and the methodology to be applied. He also showed the attendees the Moodle platform used by the partnership for the training, the evaluation questionnaires and the HUB to access the Virtual labs and the associated scenarios/challenges. He then invited the participants to sit in circles to go through the material. The participants from the attending companies provided their feedback regarding the quality and application of the results. There was a discussion about the teachers about the period and the courses where they could implement this material with their own students.
The participants showed great interest in the project results and their application with their own students and in the upgrading of their workers. These positive comments and attitude were reflected in the Evaluation questionnaires.